Bad Faith Insurance Litigation

Individuals and businesses purchase insurance to provide protection against a variety of financial risks, exposures, and losses. Unfortunately, once a loss occurs and a claim is made, numerous individuals and businesses soon discover that insurance companies can become an adversary against their own clients and insureds. Rather than properly adjusting claims and making payment for losses, many insurance companies make the conscious decision to place profit over their contractual obligations to protect the individuals and businesses they insure from financial exposure. This bad faith failure of an insurance company to meet the contractual obligations contained in its insurance policy can have long-term, devastating consequences.

Fortunately, Georgia law permits an individual or business to pursue claims against their insurance company to punish them for bad faith insurance practices. An insurance company that improperly handles a claim and acts in bad faith can be held liable for the entirety of the loss as well as an additional fifty percent (50%) of the loss and all reasonable attorneys’ fees. In order to recover bad faith penalties against an insurance company, strict compliance with Georgia law and the terms and conditions of the insurance policy is required.

In pursuing claims against insurance companies, time is of the essence. Many insurance policies limit the time when notice of the claim must be provided, when documents supporting the claim must be submitted, and when a lawsuit must be filed. It is vital to retain a skilled and aggressive attorney with experience litigating bad faith insurance disputes as soon as possible.

The Everette Law Firm handles all types of bad faith insurance claims and disputes, including homeowner claims, property claims, automobile claims, commercial general liability claims, and life insurance claims. Our attorneys have extensive experience in the insurance industry, having formerly represented one of the largest insurance companies in the nation. Utilizing its knowledge and experience of the insurance industry, the Everette Law Firm now exclusively represents individuals and businesses in insurance claims and disputes.

If your insurance company has improperly denied your claim or is delaying payment, contact the Everette Law Firm today at (770) 628-0202 for a free, no-obligation consultation.